- Love Nest Suites
- “Les Pitons”
- Sunset Cruise
To avoid disappointment and frustration when planning your Honeymoon these are five great tips to consider :
I. Do you have passports? If you do not have passports then consider destinations such as Hawaii , U.S. Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico. If you are planning on traveling to a destination that does require a valid passport and you already have your passport – check the expiration date now — many destinations have changed the requirement for validity and now require your passport be valid for at least six months after your return date – start the process to get your passport ASAP, as unfortunately I have had clients wait till the last possible minute only to find problems with locating their birth certificate and information needed to apply for their passport.
II. How far do you want to travel? Are you okay with making connections to get to your destination or do you only want to consider destinations with a nonstop flight if possible ? Keep in mind that some airlines only offer seasonal flights to some destinations, and depending upon your travel dates, the flights to your preferred destination may not operate on everyday of the week – also keep in mind that some destinations will require an overnight so consider your connecting city if you want to avoid having to leave the airport to go find a hotel room for the night. My preferred connecting city when I have to overnight to many destinations in the Caribbean is Miami as there is a lovely hotel inside the airport near the international concourse.
III. What experience are you looking for on your vacation? Active or just relaxing ? Let’s face it, everyone wants to relax on their vacation, but some destinations offer too much quiet and relaxation, so clients that are seeking something to do off property such as ziplining, hiking, mountain biking and so forth would be bored out of their mind at a resort destination that only offered sun and the beach. Even though clients want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, still think about if you at least want the options to go shopping or touring where you feel safe available as an option to you. Are you more of a beach person or a pool person? Some resorts have great beaches but small pools/ others have incredible pools but the beach is very small. Are you a Spa person? Some resorts might offer a couple of treatments and call it a spa whereas other resorts have a dedicate spa with lots of options to enhance your vacation experience.
IV. What time of the year will you be traveling? Mother nature will always have the last say with the weather, but I suggest the following: For spring travel Caribbean, Costa Rica, Hawaii or Mexico the weather should be perfect. Summertime or early fall Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii, Italy, France , London or Greece might work best for you. Winter time travel Hawaii, Caribbean, Mexico, the Indian Ocean or Australia are excellent options to consider
V. What is a realistic budget for you? Most everyone has seen photos of luxury resorts such as Jade Mountain on St Lucia, or the Love Nest Suites at Sandals Resorts , but these unforgettable vacations do often come with a hefty pricetag. Unlike advise given on some websites, these destinations and resorts are so sought after they will never be offered at a fire sale, bargain basement price as they are normally booked so far out in advance and not available to book at the last minute. Some clients say “Oh the room does not matter, we will not be in it very long ” , when in reality they have dreamt about their honeymoon for so long, when they arrive at their budget hotel, in the basic room category they are in fact disappointed. So I always try to stress to clients think about it carefully: Do you want room service as an option? What do you want to see when you look out your window ? Is it important for you to be able to go outside your room to a real balcony or lanai? If an upgraded experience is most important then consider going for a shorter length of stay such as 5 nights as opposed to 7 nights so you can enjoy some of the romantic experiences offered at some of the fabulous resorts. If all inclusive is important to you to keep you within a definite target budget then consider destinations such as Caribbean and Mexico for sure. Also you might want to think about setting up a Honeymoon Registry where friends and family can contribute to your experience.
For assistance in planning your honeymoon Contact: LindaDancer Direct Line 931-337-0770 Toll Free 1-888-811-1888 ext 331
Email [email protected]
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