Signs are used throughout the world to advertise, bring attention to something or to alert to possible danger. These are some of my favorites that I have seen as I travel throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Something to be said for keeping it short and sweet, colorful and attention grabbing.
Molokai – Ali’i Fishpond – the Ka Honua Momona Organization is working to restore this historical fishpond, more information to follow in a future blog post
Hawai’i The Big Island – Donkey Ball Factory and Store – located at 79-7411 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kainaliu ,Hi 96750 – 8 miles south of Kona – Same factory & store location for over 12 years ! Donkey Balls made-in-house using only Guittard Chocolate -Handcrafted gourmet chocolates, Kona Coffee and Gifts !
Kauai – the weather station at the Kauai Marriott, more accurate than other weather reports for sure, it has always been correct during my visits to the resort.
Do you have some personal favorites of your own ?
For more information contact me: Phone 931-337-0770 / Email [email protected] / Facebook