Webster’s dictionary defines relaxation as the act of relaxing of the body or mind; or the condition of being relaxed. Everyone has their own definiton of exactly what relaxation means to them, and exactly what it takes for them to be relaxed. Many people need to be completely unplugged from their daily enviroment of the office, cell phones, lap tops and other electronic devices that although they make our lives easier, in a way they also hold us hostage . I know for me, I fall into that category and the following help me to find rest, relaxation and peace when I go on vacation .
Incredible Resort Pools
Hawaii is know for many things, definitely incredible resort pools should be on that list . Among my favorites are the Four Seasons Wailea , Ritz-Carolton Kapalua and Fairmont Kea Lani
Beautiful Beaches
Beautiful beaches can be found throughout the Hawaii Islands. Three of my favorites are beautiful white sand beaches but throughout the islands you will also find shades of black and golden sand due to volcanic activity.
Hammocks beg you to unplug and let go for a while, to enjoy the peaceful breeze, the sound of the wind in the palm trees, the smell of tropical flowers wafting throught the air. Close your eyes for a few moments and be carried away.
What is your idea of relaxation ?
Can you see yourself laying by one of these resort pools , on one of these beautiful beaches or stealing a few private moments in one of these hammocks ?
Contact me to help you find relaxation Email : [email protected] or by phone 931-337-0770 Direct Line